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Jiangsu creates best ever ecological environment quality in 21th century

来源:ourjiangsu.com    时间:2023-05-10 12:37:20


East China’s Jiangsu province has actively coordinated economic and social development and ecological civilization construction since the start of this year so as to have continuously improved the quality of the ecological environment, according to a press conference held by the provincial government Tuesday morning on the ecological environment status of Jiangsu in 2022.

In 2022, Jiangsu recorded a GDP of 12 trillion yuan, and the annual average concentration of PM2.5 achieved a "nine consecutive drops" since 2013, measuring up to the national air quality second level standard for two consecutive years.

Water quality of 91% of the river sections listed for national inspection in Jiangsu have reached Class III level. 88.9% of the nearshore waters have been identified as excellent in terms of water quality.

“Jiangsu has continuously strengthened the driving force for rapid economic recovery and improved the quality of the ecological environment. The construction of a modern environmental governance system ranks among the forefront in the country, and the characteristics of high-quality development and high-level protection are more distinct, constantly consolidating the situation of positive interaction”, Qian Jiang, Deputy Director of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, said.

As of May 7th, Jiangsu recorded a year-on-year decrease of 4.9% in PM2.5 concentration and a year-on-year increase of 4.9 percentage points in the ratio of excellent days. The average water quality of the Taihu Lake Lake reached Class IV with the total phosphorus and nitrogen concentration concentration decreasing by 7.1% and 21.5% year on year, reaching a relatively low level in the past decade.

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